Saturday, August 19, 2017

International Geocaching Day 2017

With a special souvenir up for grabs how could I resist the need to grab a smilie for the day. Organised to met up with friends in the city prior to the event to knock off a few tricky hides in the Roma Street Parklands. Turned up five minutes late due to parking nightmares and when I caught up with them they had the sneaky D4.5 in their hands! Met the CO of the event who also has a significant amount of Earthcaches across the country. He had travelled up from Victoria and had done the event to met the local cachers and we didn't disappoint coming out in force. It was a great little event and I am glad I made the trip to the city.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Reverse Image Search

One of the new tricks I have learned through Geocaching is the art of 'reverse image searching'.  At first when I was solving puzzle with picture clues I just did random search strings and then would troll through hundreds of pictures until I found what I was looking for.  It wasn't until a geo-friend mentioned that you could do a reverse image search that I googled that and learned how.  I still don't do it regularly and always seem to forgot how.

Tonight though I am working on solving a piece of geo-art I need to look a picture and work out the title of the movie.  Cue google reverse image search and this great website popped up that I have used in the past, but consequently forgot what it was called so I am posting this to remind myself in the future.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

BINGO Challenge


Yesterday I completed a challenge that I had been working on for some time.  Its a BINGO challenge where you are given a 5 x 5 square grid with various things to check off and you can claim a found when you can complete a column, row or diagonal.  I had signed the log way back in April of this year as I was in Stanthorpe for the weekend and knew that I would probably complete at least a row before the end of the year.  Slowly I worked on achieving things, I attended events and racked up 5 events in one weekend - Canada Day! Collected a heap of virtual caches when I went to Melbourne last weekend.  Made sure my average daily finds was kept above 2.5, but the last thing I had to do to get a line was find 1000 traditional caches.  Cue yesterday and I had seven to go, so I railroaded the kids into coming out with me to collect just what I needed.  I did go further afield to collect as I wanted to fill in a couple of months on my JASMER grid, not to mention that in order to get a full BINGO sheet I will need to complete a 100 day streak so I don't want to clear out around home. The found also earned me a new D/T rating, which was a bonus!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

To this Point in Time

I have just decided to do my own little blog in order to keep a few things together in regards to my geocaching.  As I am very much into challenges, Geo-Art and puzzle solving I figured it would be a good way to keep everything in the one place.

Currently I have been caching for just a little over fifteen months with a smidge under 1500 finds to my name.  I don't really like to cache on my own, although I will, often I drag bring my two sons or go out with my mother who also caches, or if the husband is home he will come with me.  Sometimes I will meet up with other geo-friends but not that often.

I have hosted two events, both in July this year, and currently have three hides - a letterbox and traditional in Queensland and a mystery in country NSW.

At the moment I am focusing on filling out my JASMER grid and working on puzzles near where I hope to go caching on a road trip in the future.

Image Comparison

Solving yet another puzzle and I find that I am needing to compare two images that appear to be the same yet one has been manipulated to con...