Sunday, September 17, 2017

Image Comparison

Solving yet another puzzle and I find that I am needing to compare two images that appear to be the same yet one has been manipulated to contain information.  Thankfully a friend set me on the right path with this online image comparison site.  I also used reverse image search to find the original image for the comparison.  I had previously tried to solve this puzzle with nothing showing. However when I reduced the fuzz - bang! There is some hidden information.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

University of Geocaching - Challenges

So I have discovered that in Canberra their is a great combination of GEO-Art and Challenges! Two of my most favourite things about Geocaching.

So of course I MUST DO IT ALL!

I have set myself a personal challenge to met all of the requirements within a year.  Of course one of the major requirements is that you need to complete a 365 day caching streak.  So this is what I have embarked on from International Geocaching Day 2017 to International Geocaching Day 2018 - which will give me a 366 day streak.

So this will dictate my focus this year.  According to my cacluations this year I will need to pick up:

3 CITO's (including one interstate)
7 Flashlight attributes
1 Night cache
563 Micro's
283 Small's
310 Regular
21 Large
18 Other
987 Traditionals including 360 with 1 FP point
153 Multi's
176 Mysteries including 62 with 2 FP
1 Event in another state not NT or QLD
43 Souvenirs (this is the one I don't think I will be able to complete)
1 positive Attribute (GEOTour or 10km Hike)
20 Counties
1 x 2000 cache
D/T's: 1/3.5, 2.5/4, 3.5/4, 4/4
Placed Dates: 5/1, 30/1, 31/1, 11/2, 3/3, 11/3, 27/4, 2/5, 4/5, 9/5, 13/5, 5/7, 11/7, 3/10, 4/10, 20/10, 22/10, 28/10, 3/11, 4/11, 13/11, 14/1, 18/11, 21/11, 27/11, 9/12, 10/12, 15/17, 24/12, 26/12
365 Day Caching Streak


Friday, September 1, 2017

Kakuro Puzzle

Urrgghh!! These are not my favourite types of puzzles as they always seem to use a lot of lead and rubber to get my way through it.  However of course there is an online solver that can be used for when things get desperate.  Even though I try to solve puzzles by hand sometimes you just gotta check in with the computer to make sure everything is all good.

Image Comparison

Solving yet another puzzle and I find that I am needing to compare two images that appear to be the same yet one has been manipulated to con...